I am in LOVE

…with Groot! 

Have you seen Guardians of the Galaxy yet? If not, get thee to a movie theater! Quick! Not only is the plot/dialogue/casting amazing, but the music and dancing throughout the film is quality. I had to share this lil’ gem of baby Groot dancing. There’s something about people dancing with no shame and utter abandonment that delights the soul!

A Hopeful Tomb

Today I read Ezekiel 23– one long, shocking metaphor of two adulterous sisters (Samaria and Jerusalem). I was struggling to find the hope as I read of their continual lust and defilement. Iain Duguid helped me with this in his NIV Application Commentary:

“There is no message of hope in Ezekiel 23. The stone is rolled away to reveal the gaping mouth of the tomb, which is ready to swallow up defiled Jerusalem, just as it had earlier swallowed up defiled Samaria. But for those reading Ezekiel 23 from a NT perspective, the opened mouth of another tomb speaks a word of comfort even to those as defiled as Jerusalem. Because Christ has died in our place, and more than that has risen from the dead, there is now no condemnation for us who are in Christ Jesus! My death is swallowed up in his victory; my defilement is replaced by his purity, credited to my account. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I too have been washed, I have been justified, and I am being sanctified. What is more, this is true in spite of the sins that I continue to commit daily. Although I am unfaithful to my commitment to God and continue to sin against him regularly in thought, word, and deed, the gospel continue to be good news for me, a sinner.”

Amen! The gospel never gets old. The gospel continues to be good news for me, for us. Beloveds, let’s keep pondering in our hearts that open tomb which displays all our hope and salvation.