The Master Apologist

An excerpt from my lecture notes in Dr. Edgar’s Intro to Apologetics class on the master apologist:

-Luke 2:24…child would cause the rise and fall of many in Israel. And he would be a sign that would be spoken against. Jesus by his very presence, let alone his words would be a sign and reveal the hearts of people. His apologetics was his life’s calling, if you will.

-There’s a book by Jerram Barrs on “Doing Evangelism Jesus’ Way”. Jesus sometimes goes in the side door, not the front door. A master apologist, and the greatest occasion was his own trial. To all appearances, Pontius Pilate was in charge. To all appearances, the crowd and Sanhedrin was in control.  The reality is JESUS PERFECTLY ORCHESTRATED his own trial. For Him, it was unique because he was God’s son come to die for sinners. There’s a judgment in silence. When Jesus was silent, there was a judgment. His words were very few. He was mocked, he was beaten, a crown of thorns…standing in front of Pilate. The centurion was the first to realize who Jesus was, the son of God, because he had seen so many deaths, in many cruel ways, and NO ONE had died like Jesus did.

-Jesus orchestrated his own trial and death, and in his resurrection he goes and speaks to people and disciples, and proves who he is by eating fish and going through doors and the rest of it.

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